There is an easier and softer way, and it’s the way that leans toward good understanding and instruction. The harder way is the way of the fool. It’s the way of the person that thinks that they can reinvent the wheel. I’ll be the first to admit, that was me for a long time. That was me until I learned to shut up, and listen, and to keep listening without saying anything. That was the easier and softer way.
I had already came to know that almost anything is possible for anybody. I learned that I was not invincible, and that tragedies do occur. We often and especially hear people say that they could never end up homeless. Then we see it does happen, even to those who we’d never would think.
So if there is an easier and softer way, then there must me a hard and more rugged way. That again is the way of the foolish, the immature, and the child. Most of us out grow this in most of our ways, and in some maybe not. For the most part, it is something that we leave behind.
In my case, I was a slow learner. I did everything the harder way. I did everything the fools way, and it’s a miracle that I am here to talk about it. I was a classic fool, very youngish, immature, and totally self-centered.
I look back and see how I was, and there is some shame. Most certainly. However, I choose the easier and softer way today. I don’t get in people’s way, and constantly serve my neighbors as I should.
You can’t choose your help, it’s the easier and softer way.
You can’t choose your help. When a person is down on their luck, when they are hitting bottom, they begin to look for help. Usually, they know just where to go. However, they don’t like the rules. I should say that, we don’t like the rules, and that’s generally the case. Almost always.
Here is the thing. There is an easier and softer way, but those that are on rock-bottom, for what ever the reason is, they are not the one who should decide what the kind of form the helping hand should come in.
When we are down, we are down due to our own fault. Whatever the reason, it is always I that has made the mistake. Next I generally suffer consequences.
It’s quite clear, that if I need help with something in my own life, it is because I don’t know how to do it. What ever “it” is, I don’t know how. Therefore, I am not in a place to decide what my help should look like.
The easier and softer was, is to sit still for a while. Then it is to listen and learn, and to do as instructed. However, most of us truly don’t want help, we want someone else to do it for us. That is not the easier and softer way. That’s the way of a scammer.