Being spiritual is not what most people think it is. Really it’s totally the opposite. My early perception of spirituality has drastically changed. Being spiritual is not an emotional thing. Being spiritual is the opposite of “going with our feelings”.
The truth is that emotions go against our logic, and almost always, emotions go against practicing spirituality. Indeed, our emotions are very important, nor should they be ignored. Paying attention to them however, is being spiritual. We just don’t rely on our emotions when it comes to making decisions in life. This is to be spiritual.
Most of the time however, when a decision is emotional, we find ourselves stepping into indecision. That is what causes us a disruption of peace. The indecision.
That’s what the program helps eliminate, thus one can experience harmony. This drastically hurst our spiritual part because we are no longer steady, but back and forth. This is to be conflicted within.
The big trick is this-how do you distinguish yourself from your emotions? You see, we are now we’re getting into the ego. Let me say, that I fully understand how hard it is to take a true look at self, but real spirituality entails that. We have to look at the heart, but after we truly know what being spiritual is. It get’s better, because we next learn how to have a true relationship with a higher power. It is indeed real, and possible.
Being Spiritual is dependent upon a belief system.
I’ll say that spiritality is dependent upon a belief system and true spirituality, and that it requires a foundation. If you practice spirituality and don’t have a foundation, you will eventually find yourself to be unstable. You will naturally become desirous of a foundation. The meek ones search for truth, and there is only one truth.
Spirituality is not glorious. It’s not warm and cozy. It’s none of those things. Ladies and gentlemen don’t be foolish.
The good news and the best news that I have for you is this. I will share with you what the program is, so that you may be guided to a new spiritual awakening.