A Drug Treatment Program with Meek Ones

Meek Ones is your guide to recovery. We are not licensed professionals, just addicts and alcoholics in recovery.

Meek Ones understands your reasons for anonymity. We are addicts and alcoholics too. We get it…

It’s only an online thing right now, but please help us make it more.

My answer was a drug treatment program. It worked!

My answer was a drug treatment program. What you do, is up to you. I do know for a fact however, that if it wasn’t for the drug treatment center in my city, I probably wouldn’t be living today. I owe a lot to the drug treatment center, and I owe a lot to the community because I am indeed here today, free and alive.

I was a full-blown drug addict and alcoholic, and I was addicted to crack. So you may be wondering, “what does this have to do with Meek Ones?”. and the answer is simple. It’s because I am completely inspired to help those who are in need of help, and those who are sick and suffering. I am here for those who actually want help.

Meek Ones shares on a program of recovery.

Meek ones is my personal website and blog. It is not a recovery program, however it is where I will share my current life with you and the recovery that I received from the drug treatment program that I attended.

I will guide you in getting the help that you deserve so that you can overcome drugs and alcohol. My hope is that you decide to join and follow the path of spirituality, and especially to work the program, There are many non addicts and alcoholics that seek spiritual strength, and this again, is for all. Together, we are Meek Ones.

Learning how to be spiritual is interesting. I guess that’s a part of why I am thankful for my experience, because if it wasn’t for my drug abuse, I would never have learned what the drug treatment center has to give.

Focus-in, with a drug treatment program.

A drug treatment program doesn’t focus on substances as much as it does with the individual self. The experience is eye opening, because the program is an inside job. What I mean, is that it’s a self searching and self reckoning kind of experience.

The drug treatment program that I went to put a lot of focus on behaviors, and it further demonstrated that our bigger problem was based on our own personal beliefs and perspectives in life. It taught us that we were at the crux of all of our problems. It taught accountability, above all.

This drug treatment program led us to see our own truth and the truth among us.

Meek Ones is for the people.

So now. I create Meek Ones for the following three people. The first is myself. because I still want to better myself. I especially want to increase myself in spirituality, and with my relationship to the god of my understanding.

Secondly, I want to be a pillar of hope for those who are suffering from alcohol and drug addiction. I pray for you, and I strongly recommend that you check yourself into a drug treatment center as soon as possible. I know it’s easier said than done, and I also know that you’re probably not ready yet. It takes a lot of suffering to be ready in the first place. My blog and my website will be here for you and it shall stand and remain to aid those seeking help and seeking freedom from active addiction. I will always recommend a drug treatment center program because that is what saved my life.

Thirdly I speak to those who are simply suffering. I speak to people such as my wife, to many of my family members who are also sick. I speak to the general population because many of us are suffering on a continuous basis and in secret. Meek Ones is here to help you along the way, if you really want to try something new. I must tell you, that there are some promises that the program talks about. These promises are of a good life, of peace, and the ability to make great decisions despite of life’s circumstances. I learned all this while in a drug treatment program.

Drug treatment program taught us a lot.

You see ladies and gentlemen the drug treatment program taught us how to hold ourselves accountable for our own actions. Essentially, what this means is that we are Seekers of Truth and we know that the truth is light. We also know that the truth provides us freedom. I was finally freed from my addictions after going and attending the drug treatment program, however I went to the program because I admitted my own truth concerning my addictions. So undoubtedly, it begins with truth. Therefore Meek Ones is for many people, and it is especially for those who seek to be meek.

Meek Ones pushing truth in difference between right and wrong.

It is the meek that know the difference between right and wrong, and this blog is for the meek. Here, you will see me set aside that which is wrong from that which is right. You will see me expose lies and deception, and you will see me stand for what is right. Join me, you will be blessed. Dwell here a while, and you will be able to know wickedness for what it truly is. Is there a better way? An easier or softer way? I truly don’t think so.

May Meek Ones hear their inner voice.

May meek ones hear their inner voice, as it speaks. Your life may be calling for you to cut off someone or something that is not good for you, and so I will give you the courage to overcome the things that are over you. Yes, I am saying that you are beneath something, when there is something that we are trying to “get over”. Your inner voice is a part of you, as mine is a part of me. Follow me, and I will speak to you about the inner voice, and how to know if it is good or not.

There is emotional, then there is spiritual.

There is emotional, and then there is spiritual. Let’s just say logic for now, if that’s how you roll. Nonetheless, if you don’t understand the difference between being spiritual and emotional-then my blog will clarify. Take my words of goodness in, give them welcome, and you may eventually decide that you too, are one of the Meek Ones.

The Meek, are lovers of truth by the way…

In this blog I will show you how I went from having two loving parents, to running the streets as an addict and alcoholic. I will show you how I was freed from it all, and where I am today. Finally, I will take you into my past life, so that you can understand and see what’s really going on in the world among us. My blog will help you to see what God is—and what He is not. My blog will show you how to apply good reason to living, because too many of us really don’t. I conclude by saying that Meek Ones is my gift to you, and that it will waken the sleepy, and confirm the woke.