A Cry for Help
The Cry for Help is unmistakably the most important part of recovery. I walked into a drug treatment center program back in 2009. that was a cry for help and I thank God that someone was there to answer my cry.
that is why I say that the Cry for Help is the most important part of recovery therefore I have created this page for those who are indeed suffering from the disease of addiction.
I have created a space in which you may comment and I will answer your call as best that I can and as soon as I can. during the day I have my responsibilities however I will make myself available to you as soon as I can and that is for certain. if you cry out for help before 9:00 p.m. you will hear from me today.
comment below and voice your concern. That is exactly what this page is for. when I get back to you I will help you and making your second step. You’ve cried out for help and that is the first step. what you need to do is sit still until I respond. if you can pray pray, and if you have someone that you can call then please do so and explain your situation to them. if you are not able to call anybody then please remain still. I will make myself available via online and we will find a place for you to go as soon as possible. if you need to go to a hospital then by all means necessary please do that immediately.
if you do go to a hospital make sure that you find a way to be in contact with any messages from the week ones website. I will stand by you and guide you along your first few steps into recovery. My purpose is to answer the cry for help.
Consider the cry for help
consider the cry for help and understand that when we do cry out like this we are desperate. for one reason or another we are in a lot of pain and we want it to go away. this is important to mention because many times when people like us cry out for help we change our mind when the help arrives. this is very common and that was a part of my story. it equates to not really being ready yet.
please understand what help really is and what it really looks like. my purpose here and the purpose of Meek ones is to guide those who are suffering from addiction into a form of a drug treatment program. I did an inpatient drug treatment program for 2 years Therefore I have to recommend inpatient drug treatment programs.
Out patient programs can work too.
Out patient programs can definitely work too. Even meetings can Inspire us and guide us into sobriety, however those that achieve sobriety in this manner are people who have completely surrendered to the program of recovery and to a lifestyle of meetings with other addicts and alcoholics. people that achieve sobriety in this way obey all suggestions that are given by the program and therefore there are able to achieve sobriety. ladies and gentlemen I take my hat off to anybody that has gotten clean and sober simply by going meeting going to meetings. it was very obvious that that was not something that I was capable of. I absolutely needed 2 years in a drug treatment program.
so those who insist on an outpatient program understand that you must completely surrender, you must completely submit, and you must stay this way for at least 2 years.
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